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Home visit (within Riga city limits) + transport costs (0.70 €/km)

​Dear animal owners, before your visit, please pay attention to the prices of veterinary services.
The indicated prices are informative in nature; each case is evaluated individually.


"Amis" Veterinārā klīnika Rīgā
Mob Vakcinacija
Doctor's visit, clinical examination of the animal, consultation
​28 €
​Repeat visit (within 10 days)
20 €
Consultation without an animal (up to 15 min)
20 €
Veterinary prescription
 5  €
Visit outside of working hours
70 €
Specialists' visit (20 min)
45 €
Issuance of veterinary certificate / extract (preparation within 2 working days)
15 €

Cienījamie dzīvnieku īpašnieki, pirms vizītes lūdzam Jūs pievērst uzmanību veterināro pakalpojumu cenām.

Mob procedūras
Mob analīzes
Against rabies
25 €
Against leptospirosis
20 €
Against leptospirosis and rabies
30 €
Puppies 6 weeks age
30 €
Puppies 8 weeks age
35 €
Complex vaccine (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, rabies)
40 €
Against rabies
25 €
Ferrets 6 weeks age
Ferrets 8 weeks age
35 €
Complex vaccine (distemper, parvovirus, rabies)
40 €
Registration of rabies with issuance of certificate
70 €
​Removal from rabies register and vaccination against rabies
40 €
Transponder insertion
25 €
Issuing an EU passport for a pet (house animal).
   6 €
Issuing a passport for a pet (house animal).
   4 €
Pet registration in LDC
 14.50 €
​Complex vaccination (without rabies), insertion of a transponder, issuance of an EU passport and registration in the LDC
75 €
Against rabies
25 €
Complex vaccine (without rabies)
35 €
Complex vaccine (panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, rabies)
40 €
Purevax against rabies
Purevax RCP without rabies
Purevax RCP with rabies
RCPCh without rabies
RCPCh with rabies
​Against rabbit hemorrhagic disease and rabbit myxomatosis
25 €
Complex vaccination (without rabies), inserting a transponder, issuing an EU passport (without registration in LDC)
60 €
Complex rabies vaccination, insertion of a transponder, issuance of an EU passport and registration in the LDC
85 €
Complex rabies vaccination, insertion of a transponder, issuance of an EU passport (without registration in LDC)
80 €
Medication injection (work)
​Through the mouth (per os)
   7 €
Pre rectum
  10 €
​Injections into the muscle, under the skin (s.c, i.m.) (regardless of the number)
  7 €
Injection into a vein (i.v.)
  10 €
​Drip infusion into a vein (for 1 h)
  10 €
​Inserting or changing an intravenous catheter (taking a blood sample)
15 €
Otological procedures (ear cleaning)
15 €
​Enema (work)
20-60 €
Nail care
10 €
Eye cleaning
   6 €
Cleaning of the perianal glands
20 €
​Wound care (work)
20-60 €
X-ray (1 projection)
40 €
​X-ray (2 or more projections in one image)
20 €
​Day inpatient (excluding medications and procedures)
45 €
​Removal of sutures (for those operated by us - FREE)
  30 €
​Cat sanitary grooming (with anesthesia)
7 €
X-ray (1 projection)
65 €
Sugar levels with the express method
   7 €
​Urine analysis with the express method
12 €
​Urine analysis strip and microscopy
15 €
Urinalysis (full laboratory including transport costs)
20 €
Urolith analysis (The price varies depending on the price of the laboratory)
65 €
​Blood analysis in the BIOR laboratory (Price varies depending on the price of the laboratory)
Thyroid hormone analysis
20 €
​Adrenal hormone analysis for a FERRET
50 €
​Adrenal hormone analysis for a DOG (stimulation test)
50 €
​Bile acids (price varies)
50 €
​Microscopic examinations of skin, ear secretions and hair (superficial, deep scraping, staining of samples with DIF CWIC)
20 €
Examinations for fungus
Bacteriological analysis with antibiogram
50 €
Rabies virus antibody neutralization titer (for departure abroad) (price varies depending on the laboratory)
95 €
Allergen test
360 €
75-95 €
Mob Ķirurģija
Kosmētiskās operācijas (entropija, ektropija)
no 80 €
Sīkas ķirurģiskas operācijas (papilomas, lipomas u.c.)
no 25 €
Surgical operations
Cat castration
45 €
Cat castration (cryptorch)
70 €
Female cat castration (OHE)
70 €
Female cat castration(OHE pregnant, pyometra)
85 €
Castration of male ferret
50 €
Castration of male ferret (Cryptorch)
80 €
Castration of a female ferret
80 €
Dog castration
5 €/kg + 100 €
Dog castration (cryptorch)
5 €/kg + 125 €
Castration of the female dog
5 €/kg + 125 €
Castration of the female dog (pyometra)
5 €/kg + 130 €
Labor assistance in the clinic (hourly work)
30 €
Caesarean section for a cat
150 € + 10 € par kaķēnu
Caesarean section for a dog
No 250 € + 15 € par kucēnu
Cosmetic operations (entropion, ectropion)
no 80 €
Minor surgical operations (papillomas, lipomas, etc.)
no 35 €
Applying the Robert-Jones bandage
no 70 €
Operations of new formations
no 100 €
Umbilical hernia
no 70 €
Osteosynthesis for a cat, ferret / only after consultation
no 150 €
Osteosynthesis for a dog / only after consultation
no 200 €
Cruciate ligament surgery
no 420 €
Catheterization of the cat's urethra
no 50 €
Urethrostomy for a cat / only after consultation
no 95 €
Stomach twisting
no 300 €
Abscess treatment
no 25 €
A surgeon's work for 1 h
80 €
Cut, bitten, etc. wound care
no 30 €
Ear hematoma (puncture)
25 €
Ear hematoma (surgical)
no 60 €
Dental extipation (excluding anesthesia and medication)
par katru  25 €
par katru  10 €
Tartar cleaning, periodontitis treatment + €3 anesthesia
no 80 līdz 150 €
cat, ferret
no 70 līdz 120 €
Suture stapling
 no 20 €
Removal of staples
  7 €
Mortuary services
Puppies (eyes closed)
10 €
5 €
Molars / incisors
30 €
30 €
up to 10 kg
35 €
30 €
up to 20 kg
50 €
30 €
up to 30 kg
60 €
35 €
above 30 kg
70 €
40 €
25 €
30 €
Kittens, small rodents, rabbits, domestic ferrets
  10 €
5 €
Sanitary costs vary depending on the amount of materials used
no less than 3 €
Prices for services not specified in the price list are determined individually
above 50 kg
 90 €
70 €
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